Many animals look clean and tidy although they seldom take a bath and some animals still look dirty even they always take a bath while others seem comfortable being nasty. It is their nature being dirty.
1. African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

The large and nasty-looking African Buffalo is highly dangerous to humans due to its unpredictable nature. This
African bovid can grow up to 1.7 meters high and 3.4 meters long. It is also informally called Affalo or Cape
2. American Bison (Bison bison)

The American Bison is closely related to the Wisent or European Bison. It has a shaggy, long, dark brown winter
coat, and a lighter weight, lighter brown summer coat. The heads and forequarters are massive, and both sexes
have short, curved horns, which they use in fighting for status within the herd and for defense.
3. Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)

The dirty-looking Wild Boar that seems to enjoy much being in muddy places is the wild ancestor of the domestic
pig. It is native across much of Central Europe the Mediterranean Region and much of Asia. It is also commonly
called as Wild Hog or simply referred to as Boar.
4. Wisent (Bison bonasus)

Wisents, Europe’s heaviest surviving land animal, are now forest-dwelling. Aside from humans, they have few
predators with only scattered reports from the 1800s of wolf and bear and predation. It is also known as the Zubr
or European bison.
5. Vulture

Vultures are well known as scavenging birds. They feed mostly on the carcasses of dead animals making them
one of the dirtiest-looking animals. They are found in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas.
6. Mangalitsa

The Mangalitsa of Hungary which is known also as a Curly-hair Hog. This breed of pig is distinguished by its rich
and curly coat, which can be blond, black and rarely red. Blond Mangalitsa is the most common and popular. The
breed is admirably hardy and adaptable to mountain feeding and low temperatures. It is also extremely disease
and stress resistant. They can also be found in the Balkans.
7. Rhinoceros

There are five species of Rhinoceros or Rhino – two are native to Africa and three to southern Asia –Javan,
Sumatran and Black Rhino. The Asian species are critically endangered. The Rhinos on the above picture are
Black Rhinoceros.
8. Wild Yak

The Wild Yak which inhabits mountains and plateaus are well adapted to high altitude. It has larger lungs and
heart compared to cattle found at lower altitudes, as well as greater capacity for transporting oxygen through their
blood. Wild Yaks secrete a special sticky substance in their sweat which helps keep their under-hair matted and
acts as extra insulation. This secretion is used in traditional Nepalese medicine. Wild Yaks are now vulnerable
because they are killed for food by the Tibetans.
9. Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

It’s not surprising to know that Hyenas look dirty because they are scavengers. The Spotted Hyena of Africa is the
largest of all Hyenas. Though often labeled incorrectly as a scavenger, as shown on the above photo, the spotted
hyena is actually a powerful hunter, the majority of its nourishment being derived from live prey. It is also known
as the Laughing Hyena, Cape Wolf or Tiger Wolf.
10. Domestic sheep (Ovis aries)

It’s quite surprising but the Domestic Sheep which is one of the major providers of wool is one of the dirtiest-
looking animals in the world. It is one of the earliest animals to be domesticated for agricultural purposes raised
for fleece, meat and milk. Sheep continue to be important for wool and meat today numbering a little over 1 billion.