--World Record for biggest Coke-Mentos Explosion
About 1,500 students participated in a Mentos/Diet Coke demonstration in Leuven, Belgium. Each wore a blue poncho and added Mentos mints to a bottle of Diet Coke for a simultaneous explosion! A new world record was set.
---World Record for largest number of people dressed as Smurf
The city of Swansea was turned blue as a group of 2,510 people, the majority of whom were students from the local university, crammed into the Oceana nightclub to almost double the previous record.The event was organized by UK fancy dress costume seller Jokers' Masquerade and was not verified until every "Smurf" was checked to make sure no natural skin was showing.
---World Record for the largest mass arm wrestling contest
Over 200 people in London wrestled their way in to the Guinness World Record book for the largest mass arm wrestling contest.
---World Record for the most people inside a soap bubble
Dr Robyn Wheldon-Williams and his scientists successfully attempted the World record for the largest number of people enclosed in a bubble: 59 children, all over 5 foot at Venue Cymru, North Wales, UK. The bubble was made using a mixture of warm water, washing up liquid, glycerol and a secret ingredient.
---World Record for the largest mattress dominoes

This new unique world record for the largest mattress dominoes is still on the cards after staff at a furniture warehouse made a video of themselves playing mattress dominoes. The game sees dominoes substituted with mattresses and the addition of some willing participants. Staff at Bensons for Beds in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, set up a whopping 41 mattresses across their warehouse, with a person standing behind each one. The van doors close and the newly assembled bed and its occupants are driven off.
Julie Flitter, administration manager at Tewkesbury Home Distribution Centre contacted the Guinness Book of Records, and there was no official world record as yet - so they submitted details of their attempt and are just awaiting confirmation that they've set it.
---World Record for the largest gathering of people dressed as Waldo

At New Brunswick, N.J. 1,052 Rutgers students dressed (in red and white shirts and caps) as Waldo from the children's book series "Where's Waldo?" broke the record for the Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Waldo. The group was almost twice the size of the crowd of 577 that previously held the record.
---World Record for the largest bride parade

Dozens of women sporting full bridal regalia took part in a parade in Bucharest, to promote the institution of marriage in Romanian society-setting a new world record category for the Largest Bride Parade.
Organizers of the "Bride Parade" said they intend to promote marriage as a way of maintaining traditional family values in this Orthodox country. The atmosphere was celebratory as dozens of women dressed in various white dresses, veils and tiaras marched to the sounds of trumpeters playing wedding songs. Around 100 brides took part in the event.
Here is a nice way of scaring a man with commitment issues.
---World Record for the largest gathering of Santa Clauses
Despite cold weather and drizzling rain, over 14,200 people dressed as Santa Clauses paraded in Portugal's city of Porto, raising money for charity and setting the world record for the Largest Gathering Of Santa Clauses. Every Santa, or Pai Natal (Father Christmas) as he is known in Portugal, who took part in the parade donated 1 euro to buy presents for the needy children in Porto, Portugal's second-largest city.
---World Record for the Largest Gathering of ABBA Impersonators
Over 150 ABBA fans from across Europe dusted off their flares, and sang their way through a rousing rendition of Waterloo in London's Leicester Square-setting the world record for the Largest Gathering of ABBA Impersonators during an event organized by Betfair.
Sumber: http://www.worldamazinginformation.com/2009/08/amazing-world-records-craziest-mass.html